The Mailart-O-Matic ticket is simply a thank you for mail art received and a reminder that the network has no hierarchy, everybody's work is gratefully received, "You are number 001". Just in case, however, the Networker Guarantee card accompanies mailings that may prove unsatisfactory.

The Swiss artist H.R. Fricker believed that the logical development for mail art was the direct personal contact, visiting. I found the suggestion that we should swap our stamps for suitcases rather élitist because mail art is open to anyone for very small expense, whereas the gospel of Tourism might only appeal to the affluent, 'the upwardly and outwardly mobile', or artists free of home or work commitments.

Some Ersatz Ephemera pieces protested that Mail Art Tourism should not become an expectation or obligation. The French mailartist Jacques Massa suggested an alternative, 'Inner Tourism'. My responses have included a Luggage Label Not To Be Removed from the Wardrobe (I believe H.R. Fricker still has one hanging in his wardrobe), a Platform Ticket which functions as a platform for my view that staying at home is OK too, and a Bates Motel bookmatch with shades of Psycho, a thinly veiled threat against uninvited guests arriving at the door of my hermitage.